Who: InfoSec professionals and folks that want to wear their lederhosen one last time this season
When: Tuesday October 23rd, 2007 @ 5:30pm
Where: The Green Well Gastropub
PS - Yes, I know that Oktoberfest is actually in September. It's also in Munich. This event is neither. But this bar does have Bitburger and Erdinger on tap.
I hope to make it. What a brew selection! Lot's of Belgium's. And the menu looks great too.
And for some additional beer related information for the Hop Heads, be sure to try some of the Samuel Adams Hallertau Imperial Pilsner. It's simply amazing. This a release from the Samuel Adams extreme beer selection,the same collection that produces the 2005 Utopia at %25ABV. I got a four pack at the deReuze Gourmet Market in Grandville located across the street from the Mall.
This was a great meetup and location. Quite the beer selection and I had to chuckle at PBR (yep, Pabst Blue Ribbon) included in the list of beers comprised primarily of imports and craft brews. Matt shared with me some of the information from his GR-ISSA presentation last Friday that I missed (but really wanted to see). The wait staff were really good about all the people that showed up. I shared some info on dynamips as a virtualized lab environment for Cisco IOS based networking.
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